Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 2009

We had a great 4th. It was the first year in awhile we did not go to Hannibal, but we had lots of fun in Iowa!!

I first have to tell you about the walk we went on one night last week. Tracy, Avery, and I were walking to the creek (we walk there and throw rocks in, we see who can hit these concrete culvert things)... anyway, on our way back Avery asked if I would snap off on of the limbs from a tree so she could carry it back. So, I did and here is the reason she wanted that limb (this might bring tears to your eyes)... "Mommy, look I am waving my tree just like the people did for Jesus when he was on the donkey." How awesome is that!!! Then, she began singing God is an Awesome God... I know my heavenly Father was smiling down on her! What a joy she is!!

Thursday we went to see Yankee Doodle Pops, we sat on the top of AE parking ramp, that was a lot of FUN!

Friday, 7/3 I didn't have to work! Niiiiiiiiiice!! So, we went to DM and had a shopping day. We first went to get our nails and toes done, Avery and I had a blast! We used our giftcard from Daddy at Christmas... Avery loved the pedicure, she called it "the bath" We went to Kohls, ate at Legends, and went to Gordmons. Avery was supposed to go to Macy's pool party, but it was canceled due to rain.... so we went to see Ice Age 3 in 3-D. Great movie! We had a blast.

Saturday, we went to Knoxville where the Hall's were all camping. We played in the ladder golf/bags tournament... and Ryan Hall and I won the bags tournament ($15.00) prize, sweet! We did not do as well on the golf... : ( We had delicious chops, and saw some fireworks. Avery decided to stay the night with Granma and PaPa, so Tracy and I went home and crashed. I was so tired, winning takes a lot out of you : )

Sunday, we picked up Avery and went to DM to exchange Avery's clothes at Childrens Place. Then we ran to HyVee and got a few groceries for our trip to TX. We leave on Wednesday 7/8. We are so excited!!

We had a great 4th of July, Avery is something else! What a blessing my family is!! I love my husband and daughter so much!

** Avery was walking down the hallway humming the wedding march, Tracy asked her if she was getting married and she said "Yep"... he then asked her if she ever had a boyfriend that Mommy and Daddy did not like, what would she do... she said (and I quote) "then I won't like him either!!" Notice I documented this for future reference!!

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